Melanoma and Me

A magical journey through a world of scalpels, stitches, radiation bombardment, gnomes, and hopefully hershey's kisses. Do you hear me? Hersheys. Kisses.

Friday, March 10, 2006

New Update.

Ok, here's the latest.

After several attempts to get in contact with the doctor, the best I got was the receptionist saying, "You'r results have come back as atypical, we need you to come back in and see the doctor."

To this I responded that I was driving to the place and going to pick up the biopsy results.

They said, "Dysplastic compound nevus with focal cytological and architectural atypia."

So I make a follow up apointment with them despite the fact that I have lost all faith in the Glasgow Family Practice. A little timeline action will help you understand why.

-Wed. March1 10:30AM - Three moles are removed and sent to be biopsied. My doctor tells me that the results usually take 2 to 3 weeks.

-Fri. March 3 - Quest diagnostics files the report of the atypical biopsies.

-Thurs. March 9 3:14PM - I call Glasgow Family Practice (GFP) They tell me the report is in, they will have a nurse contact me with the info mometarily.

-Fri March 10 9:14AM - I call GFP. They tell me the Dr. will look at the report and tell me the results within the hour.

-Fri March 10 12:16PM - I call GFP. They tell me the Dr. will look at the report during his lunch break and a nurse will call me as soon as he does.

-Fri March 10 2:04PM - I call GFP. They put me on hold for 10 minutes, then they tell me two are "atypical" and I need to come in for a followup.

So there you see the timeline. Since then I have called Panzer Dermatology and have made an apointment for next week. They were very nice and jugled their busy schedule to put me in after I faxed them my results. "Mr. Martin, Dr. Conti wants to see you as soon as possible about these so instead of March 29 can you come in on March 15?"

I also talked to Laura who said, " that path report doesn't seem to equal melanoma, but it still might be so please don't get your hopes up. I think the 'focal' part is great, diffuse stuff is the bad guy." So that's the good news in this whole deal. Although I won't get my hopes up.

So bottom line, I still don't know that much more than I did before because I don't really understand the med speek, but at least things are moving forward, and I'm done being dicked around by Glasgow Family Practice. That and "atypical" doesn't have a terribly doom and gloom connotation to it. What can I say? I was an English major after all.

Edit: So I'm looking closer at the papers and they say that "atypia is present on the surgical margin of the tissue planes examined." I wonder if that means that they kind of sliced through the middle of that weirdness.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not so sure I belive your so called "timeline" there. I think you were secretly loving that fact that we've been biting our nails and running to the restroom every 10 min. to unknot our bowels. Oh, and I suppose you were trying to get all of our prayers about you to God all at once! Yeah. Thanks.

No, seriously though. I'm am so glad that you're not as doomed as we all thought you were. Keep up the updates.

4:14 PM  
Blogger Kyle said...

No way man. I took those times right off of my cell phone, they're the absolute truth. And what's more it has the date ptinted on the page of when the Dr.'s office printed out the reports.

4:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Kyle I say: Be strong my native american brother, but don't get your hopes up: who knows if these new doctors also have dicking designs. It's called 'Panzer Dermatology'? Could be a blitzkreig of dicking.

To Jess I say: We were supposed to be praying to Jesus Christ the Savior(TM) on Kyle's behalf? Cause I didn't get that memo. Only that he wanted chocolate.

To everyone else I say: That's right "Jesus Christ the Savior(TM)" - IT WAS MEEEEEE!

To Jody I say: There are other Martin's in the world besides the doctor and your family? Shit. Are they full blooded indian, too? I'll need to redouble my distribution of melanoma-infected blankets.

To Shae I say: Sorry about the birdseed. I like to nibble on it while I creepily peep at Pete from the patio.

To Kyle again I say: Be strong my native american brother, but don't get your hopes up: who knows if these new doctors also have dicking designs. It's called 'Panzer Dermatology'? Could be a blitzkreig of dicking.

6:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Creepily peep at Pete... say that twelve times fast!

2:21 PM  

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