Melanoma and Me

A magical journey through a world of scalpels, stitches, radiation bombardment, gnomes, and hopefully hershey's kisses. Do you hear me? Hersheys. Kisses.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

The weekend

Well hello there.

Sorry I didn't do a very good job of updating this weekend, I actually had to work while at work. I know, the nerve! but anyways, here it is.

Cathie Ryan, the celtic chick, was friggin' awesome. Although she did talk a little too much between her songs, but her voice was beautifull, and more than that she gave me a three minute shout-out during the concert. She said things like I am "the jewel of all theatre TDs" Now that's just nice.

Besides that I was doing dance shows yesterday and today. Yesterday I spent all day hopped up on Tylenol with Codeign purloined from my father. It was this great haze that kept the pain at arm's length. Because you see I have this issue. When there's work to be done in my theatre I can't just sit there and watch it be done, I have to jump in and help. So as I was pushing heavy boxes and kind of tugged at my wounds and hurt a little bit.

But it's all good, Friday was pain, Saturday was a haze, and today was much nicer.

So there it is. that's the story.


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