Melanoma and Me

A magical journey through a world of scalpels, stitches, radiation bombardment, gnomes, and hopefully hershey's kisses. Do you hear me? Hersheys. Kisses.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Celtic Music

I want to start by appologizing to Laurie and Christine. I can't see your show tonight. I have to work a Celtic music show instead.

I really hope they have a bagpipe. It's a little known fact, but the low moaning coming from the fourth drogue of the bagpipe emits a harmonic that is very harmfull to type 3 melanoma. It's one of those new-age techniques that I've read about. Apparently it helps a lot to be slathered with mud from the Berring straight while you listen to a lone piper. And all of this is supposed to take place on a windswept hilltop in the homeland. Which I suppose would be Philadelphia, Mississippi for me.

You see all of our Choctaw people issued from a mound in Philadelphia Mississippi. We were the fourth out of the mound after the Cherokee, Creek, and Chicasaw people issued forth. I've never actually been there, but I hear that the town of Philadelphia Missisippi has a Sonic in it. I love Sonic. Especially their tots and their awesome mixed sodas. That place rules and we really need one here in Delaware.

Sonic the Hedgehog was also a very fun video game character. It was a lot of fun to roll that little guy up into a ball and have him fly around the screen powered by springs and my sega genesis.

Genesis is the first book in the bible. It flatly contradicts the whole Choctaw story of our people being created in this mound in Philadelphia Mississippi. Although Cain and Able had to marry somebody, so who knows.

Not me, that's for sure.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michael Cain is a famous actor. He's been featured in 127 films and television shows. He speaks with British Accent. Probably because he's from Britain. That would make him an English actor.

English muffins aren't bad. Nooks and crannys are good for soaking up butter and jam and making a nice breakfast side dish. I feel sorry for the Egg McMuffin. It used to rule the land of the fast food breakfast unapposed. Now Crassandwiches and McGriddles are attempting to usurp the throne and take charge.

I miss Charles in Charge. What a great show.....

5:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tell me how the celtic music show is.
i also wanted to say hi and see how you're feeling. and ask you what doctor in his right mind slices up your back and gives you no pain killers for after the anesthetic wears off??

8:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this "laser beam" bbq technique sounds pretty promising...I wonder if it could someday replace the George Forman grill.

In other news, I hear that if you don't have pain pills a little bit of Celtic music and Glenlivet does the see you're halfway there

11:19 PM  

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