Melanoma and Me

A magical journey through a world of scalpels, stitches, radiation bombardment, gnomes, and hopefully hershey's kisses. Do you hear me? Hersheys. Kisses.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Demise of the Empire

So I just beat the empire. I've been playing this game a long time, and I think I just amassed the largest fleet ever in the history of my game play. Karl's probably the only one that will understand this in terms of the game, but I'm talking over 350 fighter squadrons, and 20 Bullwarks in addition to a crapload of other stuff. It was pretty insane.

So now what do I do? play Neverwinter Nights? Play rebellion again and beat down the Rebellion? Kind of embrace the darkside? We shall see what I decide.

So I'm still pretty sore this morning. I think some dude came into my room last night and smacked me over the back with a whip or something. Oh well, It's starting to get better as the day wears on and I take more advil.

Hehehe, this guy on the news is named Zim. Invader Zim is a great cartoon. It was a sad day when Nickelodean stopped producing that show. It really is great, and Zim's robot, Girrrr, is the best. What a great show.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suggest you play Fable. Recently made its way to the PC with additional content, it is a quality game. It allows you to choose yourself to be good or evil and manipulate people in fun ways. Want the masses to gather around you and clap at your victory over the evil wasp queen? Or would you rather they run screaming in blind terror at the slightest sight of you? You make the call! I can't wait to leave work and go play it tonight! Maybe by the time you go back in 4 weeks to have more removed they will have found a way to condense the 'laser beam' into a sword of light and it will be a Jedi Master who carefully extracts the rest of your quasimoledos...

2:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very impressive fleet. Speaking of Star Wars I didn't tell you that I bought Empire at War. To be honest it's ok. The best way to describe it is Rebellion for people with short attention spans. Ohhh look a butterfly.... It's ok though, a little too fast in the galaxy view and a little too slow in ground battles but it is decent enough. I will let you play it since exams are coming...

8:06 PM  
Blogger Kyle said...

Fable is cool, I played that a little bit on the gamecube. What I really need to do is not succomb to the life ending that would arise from purchasing World of Warcraft.

1:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't give in to the dark side - resist the temptation that is the life-ending finality of games like WoW, Civ4, and internet porn.

10:08 AM  

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