Melanoma and Me

A magical journey through a world of scalpels, stitches, radiation bombardment, gnomes, and hopefully hershey's kisses. Do you hear me? Hersheys. Kisses.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

What happened at the doctor's office, part1

This may or may not be the way it went at the doctor's office today.

So I showed up, flashed my insurance card, payed my copay, and after a short wait in which I read the news journal article about the white supremacist physics teacher I was called back. After they sat me in the room and took my temperature and pulse and bloodpressure and all that the nurse took a deep breath and said that they just got some visiting guests that needed a room to wait in and since the laser surgery suite was the biggest suite in the office did I mind sharing it? It ends up that the Swedish Bikini Team is in town and needed to be examined. Needless to say I was very exited.

That's when reality set in. Apparently being a world class bikini competitor takes quite the toll on the feet of these supreme athletes. So the team was having the bunnions on their feet examined. So I swallow my regret, take off my shirt, and lay down to have my quasimoledos removed. After shooting each area with Lidocaine to numb it he removed the moles. Then he picked up his "laser beam" to cauterize the wounds, but that's when he slipped. The sight was horrible as the "laser beam" sliced the arm of the nurse clean off. At least it didn't bleed. Oddly enough he perfectly removed the bunnion from the heel of the fine Swede. She was very happy with that.

But you know, I never knew that when you cut someone's arm off with a "laser beam" it just flops around on the ground. Anyway, after removing the moles he said that they may or may not be interesting and I'll find out in 2 or 3 weeks.


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