Melanoma and Me

A magical journey through a world of scalpels, stitches, radiation bombardment, gnomes, and hopefully hershey's kisses. Do you hear me? Hersheys. Kisses.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

"laser beam"

Ok, so here's your warning. If you are squeemish then don't read the next paragraph.

That "laser beam" is bad news man. You see what happened was that when they cut off the quasimoledos they kind of left an indentation. They range from about the size of a pencil's eraser to about the size of a dime. And then what they did was shoot the leftover hole with a "laser beam"

This "laser beam" burned the skin so that it stopped the bleeding and started to form a scar. My doctor was pretty funny during this process. I commented that it smelled bad. He responded, "Yeah, it smells like summer." I gave him a quizical look and he responded, "Smells like barbecue." Hehehe.

Anyways, I have to change the dressings over the holes twice a day and put neosporin on it. Sadly, part of this entails looking at the holes. Now let me tell you, that "laser beam" made that business look terrible. It was all blackened and crispy. It seriously did look like a piece of chicken left on the grill for way too long. It is totally disqusting. I hope in the next few days it actually looks more like healing skin and less like the ruins of Tikrit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, way to get partially disintegrated by lasers, Kyle. I've gotta say, I think you've just leapt out ahead of most of us on the whole, "Ways in which pieces of me have been destroyed" list. Good one.

10:05 AM  
Blogger Kyle said...

Yeah, it is pretty cool. Especially now that it isn't hurting quite as much. But it still looks fairly disqusting.

1:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, and how many times do you get to say that a part of your body looks like the ruins of Tikrit?? That's just badass!

4:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not many of us can boast laser wounds, dude. Way to rock that!

11:41 AM  

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