Melanoma and Me

A magical journey through a world of scalpels, stitches, radiation bombardment, gnomes, and hopefully hershey's kisses. Do you hear me? Hersheys. Kisses.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Who wants to suggest a new doctor for me?

Ok, so waiting for these results is a terrible, terrible thing. It's very nerve wracking.

So I decide to call up the doctor's office and find out if the results have been received yet. I talk to her, and she brings up my file and says, "Oh yeah, they've been here for a few days, hasn't anyone called you about these yet?"

I reply, "no."

"Oh, well let me look at these real quick." At this moment she reads them, says, "oh." Then she says, "I'm sorry Mr. Martin, but I can't talk about these kind of results with you, I have to have a nurse call you to set up a consultation."

Then I said, "So what are you telling me? If it was clean you'd just tell me, right? And you've had these for days and decided you weren't going to call me?"

"I'm sorry Mr. Martin, you'll need to wait for the nurse to give you a call."

So who has a suggestion for a new doctor?

Oh, and we'll see how long it takes for the nurse to call me.

Edit: I mean seriously, what the Fuck? And then that lady was so chipper on the phone at first, and then her voice just totally dropped when she told me the nurse had to call me. Seriously. I'm so friggin' pissed right now.

Further update: It is now 7:25 and I have received no call from my doctor's office. It's hard enough to wait for results when I think they should be ok. But now that I know they're bad and I'm just waiting to find out the severity it's so much worse. I think it's probably good that I'm working tonight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously, Kyle, that sucks! This is one of the reasons I hate doctors. You have got to call them today and demand that they pull a fickin doctor out of his office to come and read you the results. Even better, go to the doctor's office and refuse to leave until you are given your results. I mean, it's your body, and they have no right dicking around with the results and leaving you hanging.

Okay, I'm jumping off my high horse now. I'd be glad to join the raid, but I don't know if I could be a cleric (not sure my magical powers are up to par).

9:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have loads of duct tape - I'm the cleric! SWEET!!!

Oh, and Jenny's right! Doctors should not be dicking around with your body! (much experience with that Jenny?)

Or at least, they should be considerate and knock you out first. And give you the real good pain meds afterwards, not just some cheap-ass asprine.

11:01 AM  
Blogger Kyle said...

I felt the sting of my pimp hand.

4:01 PM  

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