Melanoma and Me

A magical journey through a world of scalpels, stitches, radiation bombardment, gnomes, and hopefully hershey's kisses. Do you hear me? Hersheys. Kisses.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Sorry it's been a while

Ok, so I'm sorry I haven't been updating, but there's something that has moved me to post again.

Nickelback's Photograph song.

this song is the worst song ever invented. It's just not a bad song, but it's an audio abortion. I can't handle this song any more. I want to violently vomit whenever I hear it. It just turns my stomach and makes me want to slice myself with glass.

That and whenever Douchebag McGee sings that song it sounds like he's sitting on a toilet working really hard to push out a crap.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Latest news

Hey Gang,

So I had my stitches out today. The doctor said that I did a really good job of keeping everything out. I'm glad that the whole stitches deal is over with. And now that the melanoma chapter is finished for right now, he said that it's time to focus on the other cancer.

That's right folks, just when you thought I was out of the woods, he saw a spot on my hand that could be basil cell carcinoma, a.k.a. the pussy of all cancers. So even if I have it I'm not all that worried. Basically he saw the spot, and froze it with liquid Nitrogen. I go back in two months, and if it hasn't fallen off by the freezing juice, then he'll cut it out and send it to be biopsied.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Secret Service

You may or may not know, but US Ambassador to the UN, John Bolton is talking in my theatre tonight. It should be fun. But I just had the Secret Service walkthrough. One of the agents was pretty hot. She gave me her cell phone number and everything. She said to give her a call if anything comes up that I think she might be interested in.

Maybe if I'm bad she'll tackle me.

But that probably wouldn't be too good for the whole "stitches" thing.

Oh well. They're having 3 getaway cars. How cool is that! And she had a really neat gun.

Friday, April 07, 2006


Jody and I went to go see coldplay last night. It was a good time. We listened to the opening band and were like, "wtf are these guys? They sound interesting." But they wouldn't tell us who they were. Untill they played bittersweet symphony. So it was cool that we actually got to hear a band that is fairly well known as the opener.

I'm crazy busy this weekend. Is it the summer time? I really need a vacation. I'm seriously considering 2 weeks backpacking Europe this summer. If I do it I'll probably just book the trip in a fit of wanting to do something. Although the caribean would be nice also.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

good news

Hey guys,

I thought I'd let you know that I got a call from the Dr's office today and the results are in and they removed all the nasty bits. Which is good because I have a hard time imagining a greater incision in my back. If they had to widen both of those people would have been forgiven for assuming that i had a c-section scar from shoulder blade to shoulder blade.

Monday, April 03, 2006

A moment of your time if I may,


What a dominating performance that was. I mean, it was a total beatdown.

Joakim Noah is a mighty beast whom none can stop, or even hope to contain.

Hey Jenn, sorry that Karl can't afford to take you out to the nice dinner now, because the Gators not only won me a lifetime memory of hapiness, but this year's NCAA pool.

And to all of you who wanted to win your pools, you should know by know that you need to pick the Gators.

WooHoo! Not even cancer can make me sad tonight!

I don't know if anyone has taken this angle.

So everyone's all happy about Jill Carroll being released from her imprisonment in Baghdad.

Now I know the girl has made it through a lot and this may come out as being crass, but she's pretty hot. I like that whole brunnette with glasses thing she has going on. So if she needs someone to ease her back into American life she should just leave me a message and we'll go out for steak and ice cream or something.


So I'm doing alright. Healing up pretty well. This business hurt pretty bad for the first couple of days, but I've largely weaned myself from the Vicodin and have moved on to advil.

Now I just need to hear back about this next batch of biopsies. Hopefully they're all clear.

I have to work a death penalty debate tonight. Ugh, how about an uplifting event?!? And to add to the mix they just decided that Moussaoui is eligible for the death penalty. Just to add some spice to the event. Do you want to know my position?

Well here it is. I hope that the death penalty doesn't engender enough of a debate so as to keep me from being home by 9:21. I need to see my Gators win their first national championship in basketball. Joakim Noah is gonna get it done.