Melanoma and Me

A magical journey through a world of scalpels, stitches, radiation bombardment, gnomes, and hopefully hershey's kisses. Do you hear me? Hersheys. Kisses.

Monday, April 16, 2007

The turdbuckets at NBC

So I was watching tv tonight, as I am wont to do. And my lovely tivo informs me that it's turning the station so I can watch "My Name is Earl." Not surprisingly, however, the news was on.

Let me take a step back here and say that the shooting at VT was a terrible, terrible thing. I won't even talk about that disgusting growth on Frank Beamer's face or how the whole thing might have been lessened if they allowed people to carry personal handguns on campus.

Instead I have a problem with NBC news. About twelve minutes in Brian Williams has an interview with the first two EMTs to respond to the scene. They talk about all the carnage, not knowing if the gunman was going to return, and the general horror of the scene.

It was during this that the terribleocity happened. NBC had the gall to show the EMTs on some kind of weird field camera thing that put crosshairs right in the middle of the EMT's faces. How messed up is that?!? NBC is covering the worst campus shooting in the history of the US and they decide to put crosshairs on the EMTs. Oh well, we all knew that NBC was nothing but a bunch of turdbuckets.


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