So I bled out again tonight. Honestly, it's kind of scary when your skin seeps blood. For some reason it just doesn't seem quite right.
9 days till the knife, we'll see what it brings.
A magical journey through a world of scalpels, stitches, radiation bombardment, gnomes, and hopefully hershey's kisses. Do you hear me? Hersheys. Kisses.
So I bled out again tonight. Honestly, it's kind of scary when your skin seeps blood. For some reason it just doesn't seem quite right.
Well, I heard today that a friend from high school and my neighborhood died of Melanoma. Awesome.
"It sure is beautiful outside today, and the weather's nice too!"
So I come into work this morning, and guess what? I find out that there's an event tonight that I knew nothing about and have to work. Ahh surprises. But at least I get overtime. So I'm going to spend tonight's event thinking about what I should spend money on. Here's what I have so far, and as always recommendations are smiled upon.
What the hell? Between cancer, working to much, VT, my roomate's crappy weekend, and the whole complete woman revulsion force field I employ I've decided it's time for a pick-me-up.
So I was watching tv tonight, as I am wont to do. And my lovely tivo informs me that it's turning the station so I can watch "My Name is Earl." Not surprisingly, however, the news was on.
Ok, so I've been working a whole, whole lot the last few days. And while I was at work I was thinking about the whole Don Imus thing, and after doing all the math, crunching the numbers, I've decided that it's all a huge plot by Karl Rove.
Walking around campus the last two weeks has been a very sad time. It's been cold, what the hell?!? This is the prime time for beautiful spring weather. During class change I should be floored with the amazing parade of short skirts, tank tops, and bared midriffs. And what do I get instead? Jeans, parkas, and those terrible, terrible, horrible Himalayas sherpa boots.
Hello loyal readers.
Never underestimate the power of anger. To a very large degree it's what got me through last time. Let me, no, there is no time, let me sum up. During the last go'round (that's rodeo speak for you non-Southerners) I had a lot of anger. It started with the hatred of my primary care physician who was so bad at seeing the potentially negative connotations of bleeding darth moles, took three visits before deciding to remove them, and then refused to give me the results of my biopsy for three weeks.
Hello all,