And so it begins
Alright, I'm off to get blood work done. Biopsy happens tomorow. I'll blog about the experience later tonight. Hope you're all having a good day.
A magical journey through a world of scalpels, stitches, radiation bombardment, gnomes, and hopefully hershey's kisses. Do you hear me? Hersheys. Kisses.
Alright, I'm off to get blood work done. Biopsy happens tomorow. I'll blog about the experience later tonight. Hope you're all having a good day.
I just made that word up. I really like to make up words. In this case it stands for the whole starting to get nervous thing that arises from the knowledge that I start having crap done to me tomorow. Our boy John Humphrey had mentioned maybe getting some sushi for dinner tomorow night. Anybody interested in some sushi and perhaps some saki?
So yesterday I got a gift from my friend John. I appreciate it, I think it's an awesome gift. I've always wanted a book of mormon for my very own. Especially since my people are the lost sixth tribe of the Isrealites. I think that's awesome.
Dear Sir or Madam,
So today is like the sixth day in a row that I won't be home till late. I'm tired man, real tired. But I'm taking the next two days off. I'm kind of enjoying today, though. I'm being creative and I think this Matt Nathinson guy might cause some girls to take their pants off. It sounds like it's that kind of music, so I've got that going for me.
This is my official declaration of war.
Blood Pressure: 114 over 72
Hey gang,
Amazingly enough I've had all this stress between the whole melanoma thing and work being busy as all hell, and I haven't destroyed my diet. In fact last night for dinner I was at Iron Hill and instead of something awesome, like meatloaf, I got friggin fish on a bed of rice. What the hell's wrong with me?
Ok, so I finally sat down and did some melanoma research, and here's what I've come up with.
Dear Sir or Madam,
What happens when a $100,000 9 foot Steinway concert grand piano is delivered without the hinge pins to hold the lid on? And then what happens when one doesn't realize that the pins are missing and goes to open the lid?
So I'm doing a lot of work today. Like moving heavy speakers and lights and stuff. So I was actually smart and got to work a little early so I could raid the first aid kit and prepare myself by creating back diapers out of tape and gause. This has saved my shirt, although I haven't looked under the back diaber yet.
It has come to my attention that perhaps thus far my blog has been less than helpfull at explaining the details of the situation. Apparently I am too funny and forget to actually give details, or they are burried in funny stuff and you are too busy wiping the tears of mirth from your eyes to read the serious stuff. So here is a concise summary.
So I just finished my sub-par turkey club wrap from lettuce feedyou and I'm waiting for my event to start. Not it just occurs to me that I don't have any hershey's kisses here in my office. This is unacceptable people! Didn't you read the headline of this blog? I know that 107 people have looked at it so far today, and yet I'm still kissless?
I really shouldn't be this tired. I did like one hour of physical activity on stage this afternoon and I'm friggin' exhausted. At least I caught the bleeding before it ruined my shirt today. Oh, and don't challenge me or I shall run you down and touch you with the dreaded cancer blood kleenex!
Dear Sir or Madam,
So I really enjoy the cartoon Foxtrot. I'm not entirely sure why, but it's probably because it's a dork's paradise. That's like a rappers paradise except it references LOTR, WOWC, Star Wars, and physics instead of guns, hos, and money money dolla bill y'all.
So here's what my day has been like so far.
So, around the time that my quasimoledos started bleeding, they also started stinging. It's like there's five or six little bee stings on my back. They don't really hurt too badly, they're just friggin' annoying. They especially hurt this afternoon when I went to try to hang up lights and move pianos and crap. I guess this might mean that I'm going to have to be more organized and actually get employees in to help. Damn, I hate having to be all organized and crap. I fly by the seat of my pants Damnit!
My friend Karl can always cheer me up. His response,
Hi, my name is Kyle.