So apparently Shae tagged me and if I don't fill out this meme I'll be cursed for all time. Frogs will live in my toilet, locusts will drink my beer, the meme curse is very biblical. The church must have cut out the book that deals with it during the council of Illium in 143AD. So here it is.
Four jobs I've had - ice cream truck driver. Movie theater sweeper. Barista. Spotlight Operator.
Four movies I could watch over and over - Spaceballs, Three Amigos, Braveheart, Starwars IV, V, or VI
Four places I've lived - Texas, South Carolina, London, At sea matey!
Four fiction books I can't live without - Foxtrot the works, Enormously Foxtrot, Wildly FoxTrot, FoxTrot beyond a doubt.
Four non-fiction books I can't live without - Foxtrot the works, Enourmously FoxTrot, Wildly FoxTrot, FoxTrot beyond a doubt.
Four TV shows I love to watch - The Simpsons, South Park, Family guy, Shark Week Baby!!!
Four places you've been on vacation - What's with the shift between 4 places you've been and 4 places I've been? But I digress. Florida, Colorado, English Northern Land, and Dirty Mexico.
Four websites I visit daily - BigSoccer, Yahoo, Cnn, Travelzoo
Four of my favorite foods - Cheese. Hershey's kisses wrapped around chocolate centers. Enchiladas. Cheese.
Four places I'd rather be - Key West, The cool put-put course in Cozumel with the walkie-talkies to the bar, Edinburgh, The Great Barrier Reef. Oh, and Tahiti. Yeah, yeah, I know that's five, but if you don't like it you can suck it!
Four albums I can't live without - Coldplay's
X&Y, Jimmy Buffet's
Barometer Soup, Muse's
Absolution, Flogging Molly's
Drunken Lullabies.
Four bloggers to pass it on to - If you no help, then I say fuck you jobu! I do it myself.